

TEXT- Her 33:6; Behold, l will bring it health and cure and l will cure them, and will reveal to them abundance of Truth and Peace.

In a darkness messed up world, Truth is the only cure for darkness.,a system so heavily manipulated that darkness is mistaken for light. No wonder , God in His mercy sent Jesus-the living Truth. The living Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and today He is written Word, that saves, frees, heals and shatters every hold of deception, Jn1:14..

Unfortunately, the only Truth that is so real, to many is that, they are born again.They still struggle to believe that the Same Word of their salvation has brought them health, wholeness, prosperity and every good thing that comes with Salvation. This situation exists because you are not permitted to enjoy freedom beyond the level of Truth/ light that you carry. No wonder too, Hos 6:3 says, then shall you know, if you follow on to know the Lord. Brethren, there is a pressing in, to know more, Lk 16:16.

From our opening text, there seems to be a strong connection between Health, cure, peace and abundance of Truth on one end. The more Truth you discover, the more realms of freedom you access. Glad to let us know that Truth/ Revelation does not jump on people but answers to longing Hearts, DESPERATE to access all of the Truth in its entirety, Hallelujah !!!!.
RESEARCH– Jn 1:4-5,9. Mt 22:29.Mk 12:24. Jn 5:39.

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